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Writer's pictureGinger Bliss

Gonna be okay...

When I was thinking about what visual to use, this photo immediately came to mind. While my daughter loved the pool, this was her first time being in a lake. It was Table Rock Lake, so it was very clear, and we could see our feet, but she knew there were fish in the water and saying she was freaked out about that fact is an understatement.

This photo was taken after she calmed down a bit, but I can't remember a time when she had been more scared. I have no doubt I repeated the phrase, "You're gonna be okay" many, many times in the few minutes she was in the water. As parents, it's just something we say trying to reassure our kids when they are scared of most anything and fortunately, most of the time, it really is gonna be okay. Our kiddos trust us enough generally this type of reassurance does the trick.

As we grow up, however, there are times in life when it's hard to believe we really are gonna be okay. Most of us have questioned that during seasons of life that are terribly difficult or painful. And sometimes we don't tell others how much we are struggling, so there's no one there to reassure us that one day it really will be okay.

In the past week, I heard this Lauren Daigle song for the first time, and I've listened to it multiple times, so I think there's a part of me that needed reassurance too. Perhaps it is because 2023 has been a year of the unexpected and it doesn't feel like I'm heading into 2024 on much more solid ground.

I've survived enough, and I've had enough personal and spiritual growth that I no longer question if I'm gonna okay, but once in a while I worry if "it's" gonna be okay. What's my next career move going to be? Can I find a job outside of healthcare? Am I going to be able to stay in Kansas City now that I've decided I want to?

Perspective is very helpful, though. I was in a similar situation 10 years ago and back then I didn't know I was gonna be okay. In fact, I was pretty certain I wouldn't ever be okay, even if found another job. I didn't know then what I know now, but I'm sure glad I hung on. Because no matter how many unexpected negative things happened this year, I now know this life is still so worth living. I'm glad I've realized that over the past few years where I can actually not only know it's true, but I can also feel it's true no matter what is happening in my life.

The holidays can be a tough time for many people and while suicide is a concern each and every day, I wanted to get a quick blog out tonight just in case someone needs to read these words or hear them in the song through the link below. I remember that sometimes the nights can seem dreadfully long. So, if you need to hear this or know someone who might, please find hope in these words...

You're gonna be okay.

I can't promise when you will feel like you're gonna be okay, but please hold on and know you will be. Just don't give up. Ask for help if you need to, it's what the phone number was created for. (988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline) I hope you can connect with your heart and soul for a few moments while listening to this song, as sometimes our brains can be our biggest enemies telling us lies about ourselves.

I wish you could throw your arms around my neck just like my daughter did, hold on tight and let me reassure you personally that you're gonna be okay. Even though whatever you're struggling with is much more serious than fish swimming beneath your feet and your fears are far greater than your toes being nibbled on, the concept is the same. If you can tell someone how you're feeling, ask for help, and find something to hang onto, one day you too will overcome your fears and be strong enough to do things you never thought you could do.

"One day you will tell your story of how you've overcome what you're going through now, and it will become part of someone else's survival guide." Brene Brown

My sincere best wishes to each of you for good health, peace, joy and lots of love in 2024!

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