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Writer's pictureGinger Bliss

Motherhood moments...

Updated: Nov 18, 2023

This is a photo of one of the Facebook Memories that appeared this week. I couldn’t mean these words more if I wrote them today. In the eight years that have passed since I posted this though, so much has happened. My daughter and I have faced and overcome fears. We have embraced new joys and loves. We have held tight, and we have let go. When I was pregnant, I remember hearing what I consider to be the best advice I ever received regarding motherhood. My stepmom said something to the effect of...every stage of development will have things you love but it will also have challenges. Try very hard to enjoy every stage the child is in while they are there, so you don't have to wish you had it back when they move on to the next one. I took her advice very seriously and tried to soak up all the sweet parts and have extra patience to get through the challenges. I am so grateful for that advice because it gave me a taste of what living in the moment was like. When I was in my daughter's presence, I slowed down, I took it all in, I was "with" her because I knew there wasn't enough time. I tried my very best to give her my undivided attention and get down on her level so I could look into her eyes, to show her how much I adored her through my words and actions, to listen to her and be invested in what was important to her. Certainly, I came up short on many occasions, but that was my intent and that intent got me closer to being the mom I wanted her to have. I was going through some files this afternoon and ran across this gem. I don't wish to go back to that time because I fully enjoyed and appreciated it along the way, but it sure was nice to spend a few moments fondly remembering and being grateful for the experience of motherhood. While I'll always be her mom, I'm sure enjoying the additional opportunity to be her friend now that she's an adult. She's one of my all-time favorite humans who I now have the honor of not only teaching, but also learning from.

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