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Writer's pictureGinger Bliss

The Greatest Gift...

Updated: Nov 19, 2023

For some people the process of gift giving can be stressful or at least something that isn't enjoyable. For me, gift giving is one of my favorite things to do. The whole process, thinking about what people might enjoy or would make their lives easier, purchasing the gifts, wrapping them, and then the actual gift giving experience. Sometimes they are surprised, sometimes they laugh, sometimes they are relieved, sometimes they are happy, sometimes they are deeply touched and sometimes I miss the mark.

I take as much or even more care to select the most perfect card I can find because words are important to me. I will not buy a card if the sentiment is not how I feel about someone. One would think if I select a card that's near perfect, I could just sign my name, place the Hallmark gold seal on the back and I'd be all set. However, about 99% of the time I still have to add my own words because I find something is missing about how I feel when I get home and re-read it. A friend sent me the link to a live performance of the song, The Greatest Gift, by Andrea Bocelli and two of his children. I've enjoyed listening to it all week and find it very moving. The link to the song follows and then I'll share a couple thoughts. "Together, take a moment and be grateful For the joy, for the tears" I wouldn't have understood this a couple years ago as tears were something to be avoided at all costs. I would have thought something like, "Be grateful for tears, what? That's absurd." It wouldn't have meant anything to me because I ran from pain, I stuffed down pain, I denied being in pain. While of course I would still prefer not to experience pain, when it undoubtedly arrives, I am much better about facing it and feeling it. I may not be grateful for the experience that led to the pain, but I can now be grateful for the ability to cry. Tears have given me a greater connection with people, as well as the power to lead with, trust and listen to my heart and soul. And that has led to greater empathy since I no longer have to fear others' pain because I have felt my own. My life and ability to love has been unmistakably enhanced and strengthened because of the tears. "The greatest gift is love" The cards I write and gifts I give are expressions of my love. Like everything in life, I cannot control how they are received but since I know they are given in love that's not even something I think about anymore. Does it feel good when someone expresses great pleasure, of course, but the joy I get from giving truly doesn't require it. I find Christmas to be the start of the greatest love story ever. It isn't a Hallmark movie for sure. Instead of glossing over the hard parts of life and having the expected happy ending, the story is full of pain and suffering but along with that, there is even more redeeming grace and love. Everyone can connect with pain and suffering, but I think it's the redeeming grace and love that sometimes makes it hard for us to fully embrace Jesus. It seems too good to be true. We know the Hallmark movie isn't real life, that's why it's entertainment. But being loved unconditionally and sacrificially, how many of us have truly experienced that to be able to fully comprehend it? That is where faith comes in and I'll be honest, I have struggled with it. The good news is that struggle means we are trying and since there's no expectation or even possibility of perfection, we can simply focus on learning to receive that grace and love. Holidays can bring many feelings to the surface, but I would challenge you to embrace them instead of denying them. Identify what they are and where they come from. Listen with interest, not judgment. And most of all open your hearts and give a little, or even better, a lot of love because it really is the greatest gift we can give one another. Best wishes for a safe, healthy and very merry Christmas!

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